Online Basket Cart Abandonement

8 Reasons Why Your Customers Abandon Their Baskets

UK’s Top Reasons for Checkout Abandonment

Understanding checkout abandonment is key for your eCom business as it can significantly impact revenue. For those unfamiliar with the term, it refers to potential customers who fill their online shopping baskets but abandon their purchase at the last minute.

Some businesses experience as much as a 99% abandonment rate. Stick with me and I will talk you through the main reasons shoppers in the UK fail to complete their purchases and I will also share tips on how to tackle them (reasons, not customers…).

Top 3 Reasons for Checkout Abandonment in the UK

Ready? Here are the top three deal-breakers that cause UK shoppers to abandon their online baskets.

  1. ‘Unpleasant surprise: you owe us more!’ Yep, you guessed it, unexpected delivery costs.
    The Baymard Institute found a whopping 60% of customers are turning their backs on purchases due to the shock of additional charges like delivery, taxes, and fees. It’s like going out for a meal and being charged extra for using the cutlery! No one likes a surprise bill – it can make your potential customers feel duped and send them running for the hills.
  2. ‘I can’t do the maths!’ Complex checkout processes can turn into an algebra exam. Not everyone is a maths whizz or computer genius. If your checkout process requires too many calculations or steps, you might find your customers heading for the exit. 37% of UK shoppers abandon due to a long or confusing checkout process.
  3. ‘Where are you sending my info?’ Unclear details about where personal information is heading can lead to customers abandoning ship. The internet can be a scary place, and customers need to know their data is being treated with respect and kept safe. 21% of UK shoppers abandon due to security worries.

So, there you have it – the big three. Understanding these can help you make the shopping experience more transparent and user-friendly, which in turn will reduce your abandonment rates. So, let’s crack on, shall we?

Next 5 Reasons for Checkout Abandonment

We’ve nailed the top three, but there are a few more crafty culprits that are making your potential customers pull a disappearing act.

4. ‘Is this site even legit?’ Let’s be real, the internet can be a tad dodgy at times, and your potential customers know it. If your site screams ‘sketchy’ rather than ‘secure’, it can cause shoppers to put their virtual wallets away and leave.

5. ‘It’s like a maze in here!’ Imagine walking into a shop and not being able to find the checkout counter. Frustrating, right? Now apply that scenario to your website. If your site navigation is like a twisted treasure hunt, it’s not surprising your customers are leaving.

6. ‘Why is this taking so long?’ Time is of the essence, folks. Long loading times can be a deal-breaker for many online shoppers. Remember, patience is a virtue, but not everyone has got it.

7. ‘Do I really need to create an account?’ Ah, the age-old question. Registration requirements can be a massive hurdle for customers just looking for a quick buy. Do them a favour, and offer a guest checkout option. 23% of UK shoppers dislike being forced to create an account. (SaleCycle, 2022)

And finally, 8. ‘I need to think about it.’ Impulse buying isn’t everyone’s cup of tea. Some shoppers prefer to mull things over before they commit. Offering wish lists or save-for-later options can help these contemplative customers come back to complete the purchase.
64% of UK shoppers compare prices before purchasing

And there you have it – the top eight reasons that might be behind your checkout abandonment issues.

How to Combat Basket Abandonment

Let’s talk about some practical steps to reduce checkout abandonment.

First things first – be transparent about the costs. Surprise fees are like unwanted party guests, so keep your customers in the loop about any extra charges from the get-go.

Next, simplify your checkout process. Nobody wants to solve a Rubik’s cube just to buy a t-shirt. The quicker and easier the process, the more likely your customers will see it through to the end.

Now, onto security – it’s non-negotiable. Make sure your customers know their data is safe with clear, easy-to-understand privacy policies and trust signals.

And while we’re on the subject of clarity, take a long, hard look at your website navigation. Is it straightforward or more like a maze? Is it easy to find your shop amongst all the other pages?

Best yet – ask your customers – have a pop-up for those leaving your website asking a couple of simple questions about their experience and reason for leaving.

Patience might be a virtue, but let’s be honest, it’s a rare one. So, optimise your website for speed to keep your customers from bouncing. And remember, not everyone wants to commit to a relationship after the first date. Offering a guest checkout option might be just what they need to make the purchase.

Lastly, don’t disregard the fence-sitters. They might need a little more time to decide, so give them the option to save items for later or offer to email their basket to them.

Leverage email automation to recover abandoned baskets. On average you can recover 4-6 sales for every 100 abandoned baskets and it could be happening automatically with the right email sequences in place.

Remember, small changes can make a big difference. So, why not give these tips a whirl and see if you can turn those abandoned checkouts into actual sales? Onwards and upwards!

Why bother?

This is not just about sprucing up your checkout process, though. It’s a deep dive into the behaviour of your customers. By understanding what ticks them off, you can start to create a smoother, more enjoyable shopping experience. Happy customers equal more sales – it’s as simple as that.

Getting to grips with checkout abandonment is all about finding the clues, putting the puzzle pieces together, and coming up with a strategy to stop those customers from vanishing into thin air.

So, grab your magnifying glass, put your detective hat on, and let’s get sleuthing! Remember, the game is afoot, and every little insight you gain can potentially turn those abandoned checkouts into a cha-ching moment.

And lastly – another reason “why”: simply put – to be able to invest in growth and not pour your money into a leaky pot. When your checkout is optimised you can get higher ncROAS (new customer return on ad spend) and be able to invest in ads to scale your growth.

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